Sunday, June 10, 2012

14 weeks?

We had our appt for our NT scan Friday, where they look for specific genetic markers that would let us know if there is a risk for specific genetic disorders.  This test has to be done within weeks 11 and 14 due to the baby's development and location of the neck.  I scheduled my appt for Friday, which according to my DR would be 13 weeks, according to my ultrasound at 7 weeks, would put baby at 13w 5d due to growth.  Well we got a little surprise that day....

BABY IS HUGE! Baby is now measuring at 15 weeks!  So we could not do the measurements for the NT scan, but we did get a lot of great pictures of the kid... including the infamous between the legs shot!

How far Along: 14 or 15 weeks..... 

Size of Baby: This week baby is an orange.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: +1/5 (1 this week out of 5 total)

Maternity Clothes: Wearing only maternity bottoms or dresses, I can still pull of a couple non-maternity tops, they are just tight.  

Gender: We have ourselves a big BOY!!! We are still going to do the elective ultrasound in a couple weeks just to be sure, but the tech sounded pretty confident that it was a boy :)

Belly Button In/Out: Still in there :)

Stretch Marks: Still none 

Labor Signs: Ummm No 

Movement: Nope, very excited for this to happen, but no not yet.  

Sleep: This week was a little better, but that's probably because the Hubs was off a couple days this week so he stayed up much later than I did, and to not wake me when he came to bed he stayed on the couch. (Our couch is the most comfortable couch and some nights we fight over who gets to sleep there!)  So a few nights I sleep AMAZINGLY with my legs and arms sprawled out all across the bed :) 

Cravings/Aversions: Still just junk food... I know I should be eating healthier, and maybe this week... but so far just junk food for me.

Symptoms: This week has been such a relief, I had almost no nausea, and what little I did have I could totally handle.  The fatigue is still there, but mostly during the week after work.  I have been having  pains in my knees, and tingly legs after work, but I have had this before so I know that I just have to get up and walk a little and I'll be fine. Still all of this together is SOOO MUCH BETTER than the last couple months!   

Feeling: Feeling pretty good, and looking forward to continue feeling good :)

Best Moment this Week: Seeing our big boy jumping around and waving hi and dancing for us.  And seeing the Hubs tear up as he watched the baby move <3 :)

What I Miss: Our neighbors are big boat people, and last year we went out to a local lake with them for the first time over labor day weekend and had one of the funnest times I've had in a long time.  This year we are going with them for the 4th of July, but it won't be as fun for me!  Watching everyone else being drunk bafoons... and being the sober responsible one... sometimes that sucks, and this year I will be that person.  So I am missing being able to go out and have a good intoxicated time.  I rarely drink, and even when I do I only drink a little, but still the knowing that I can't have any... makes me want it more.    

What I am Looking Forward To: Seeing the baby again at our 3D ultrasound. 

Milestones: Getting past the icky phase of pregnancy (I hope). 

Next Appointment: Wednesday I have a pre-natal appt where we will discuss moving my due date up since the baby is growing so quickly and the Ultrasound Dr doesn't seem to think I will make it to my original due date of Dec. 14th. 

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