Tuesday, June 5, 2012

13 Weeks!

So this blog is going to act like my pregnancy journal.  Things may get a little personal... but you have been warned! Read on if you'd like!

How far Along: 13 weeks!

Size of Baby: This week baby is a peach.


Total Weight Gain/Loss: So far since the day I found out I was pregnant, I am up 4 lbs.  

Maternity Clothes: My Mom bought me lots of maternity pants and shorts when I was about 6 weeks pregnant, and I started wearing them right away because my pants were just a little tight, and the bella band worked but I didn't like it.  Also with the morning sickness I had having pressure on my tummy was out of the question! 

Gender: We have or NT scan Friday morning... and I will be 13 1/2 weeks then so I am hoping we get a prediction of the gender.  I have heard of people getting predictions as early as 12 weeks, so even if it's a guess I would love to hear it.  On the 25th we go for the elective ultrasound to find out for sure!

Belly Button In/Out: Still in there :)

Stretch Marks: Nope! 

Labor Signs: Ummm No 

Movement: I thought I felt something last week... but it turned out to be gas! 

Sleep: I toss and turn throughout the night and when I do that I feel some stomach pains (probably gas), but my up all night to use the restroom has stopped! 

Cravings/Aversions: I don't really have any cravings... I just want everything and anything junk food... particularly sweets. As for aversions, I haven't been able to eat ranch dressing since I found out I was pregnant... weird...

Symptoms: So far this week my nausea has been almost completely gone ( I almost didn't type this so I wouldn't jinx myself!) and the stomach pains are what is really standing out.  I am getting some energy back... but not all of it yet!  The past few weeks I have been able to start picking up more around the house and do more what I used to do before those hellish 6 weeks hit me.  It feels good to start to get back to normal.  

Feeling: I am starting to feel like myself again :) I am still wearing my sea bands.. mostly for my sanity, and I am still snacking on bread before I get out of bed, but I would rather keep doing those thing longer than I need than feel like crap again for a few days if I stop too early.  

Best Moment this Week: Each and every time I hear that little heart beat... which is 2-3 times a week thanks to my doppler, best baby purchase yet!

What I Miss: While I wouldn't trade this for anything... I do miss my old eating habits.  I miss not having to plan my meals every 2 hours and make sure I have bread by my bedside every night and plenty of snacks throughout the day.  I miss that when this doesn't happen.. my life falls apart!  

What I am Looking Forward To: Finding out the sex!

Milestones: I made it to the second trimester!! I didn't think this day would ever come.  I remember watching TV and seeing the ads for the MTV movie awards and thinking... I'll bet my nausea will be gone by then... Well I made it to that day and while it's still there a little bit... it's nothing like what it was. 

Next Appointment: This Friday we will get LOTS of new pictures of the baby, checking the head size, spine, fingers, toes, maybe sex?????  

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