Monday, March 21, 2011

Bootcamp Day 1

Hello... after a VERY LONG rest from both the blogging world and the healthy eating/working out world I am back.  I just started a bootcamp through the city.  For the start of bootcamp we were suppose to begin with a detox (48 hours of almonds/pomegranate juice/spinach salads) but because I didn't sign up until yesterday the instructor suggested I wait until week 3/4 to do the detox since I will need my strength to get through the workouts.  So last night I went out with a bang and ate 2 slices of ok pizza.  I wish it would have been homemade I would have made it better but after a long day of installing can lights delivery was all I could handle.  This morning after my workout my instructor took my measurements and I didn't see them all but I took a glimpse at a couple of them.  Weight: 138.8 :( :( :( waist: 35.5, thighs: 22, calves: 12.5.  I am going to ask my instructor to send me the rest of my measurements and I will update my blog with them later.

So the first day went... ok....  I don't consider myself unfit and I don't consider myself a fit person.  I would say I'm in the middle.  But this morning was a little easy.  Maybe it was because their were ladies of all ages in the class, maybe because it was the first day, I don't know but it did seem a little easy.  She did say that this morning was the only day that she would take time from class to stretch, other days it would be our responsibility to stretch after class on our own time since she only has 60 minutes with us.  I may regret saying this but I am hoping that things get a little more "bootcamp".  The hardest part of the day was getting up and out of the house before 5 am.

This class is 3 days a week so I will update you all after each session hopefully and let you know how I am doing!

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