Let me set the stage for you all.....
Last night after spending an evening with my sister and brother-in-law we headed home around 7pm. When I took Parker out of his carseat he immediately assumed the sleepy position (thumb in the mouth head resting on my shoulder). Which wasn't surprising since he has skipped his last nap. So I put him in his crib with this lovey and he was out, no tears or whining at all. I went about my evening,
laundry, dishes, dusting, FACEBOOK! Then I looked up at the clock and told The Hubs "it's 7:50 I guess we're not doing bath tonight should I wake him up now?" We decided yes. So I went in and woke up my sweet little munchkin so that he could get eat his last meal and go back to bed. He had a rough time waking up, not wanting to open his eyes snuggling with my shoulder (I soaked in all the love and snuggles I could and even asked The Hubs if he wanted to take advantage of the snuggles). After a few minutes and a smile to Daddy I handed Parker over and grabbed some clothes to put away. As I left the room and turned the corner to head down the hall I hear his scared cry. Then The Hubs says "He watched you leave the room and just started screaming!" So as any good Mommy I came back gave him a kiss and waited for the smile that usually told us he was in a great mood. I then continued with putting the clothes away. Deja Vu... he started crying as soon as I left the room. BUT this time aftera loud "AHHHH" I heard the gasp for air and then "MAMAMAMA". 0.0 Did my little munchkin just call for me?? I dropped the clothes in the hall and ran to him and held him and cried with him. The laundry did not get done last night, the dishes stayed in the sink, and my surfaces are still dusty. But my baby needed me and was able to call for me and I gave him what he needed. Putting that in the best memory book (that's in my head since I am horrible at keeping his baby book).
Also he likes to eat both his feet :)
Until next time!
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