Monday, March 4, 2013

Back to work :(

Tomorrow I start work again.  It is going to be a sad day for me and I think Parker too.  I have loved being off of work for 4 glorious months with my little guy.  I am really happy I chose to take an extra 4 weeks of unpaid time off so that I could enjoy my baby while he was smiley and interactive and laughing.  Parker will be staying with a gal who I grew up with, her mom was my babysitter so I know her whole family very well.  That does make it easier on my mind that he will be with someone that I trust... but not easier on my heart :( My logical side tells me that I will still be seeing him in the mornings, evenings, and weekends. It's not like I am giving him away forever. But this new emotional Mommy side tells me that I am not going to be the one to comfort him when he cries because he's tired. No one else knows exactly what position he likes to be in to fall asleep during the day, or what makes him laugh.  Back to my logical side- the babysitter will figure it out.  No one in my family is thrilled with him going to a babysitter, they are thankful about who it is... but not thrilled that it's not one of us.  My husband keeps asking if she is going to pick him up and hold him when he is being fussy and needs to be held all day... logical side tells him YES, we know what it's like to have a screaming child in the same room as you.. you try to make them not scream.  My Mommy side though... I don't know.  I don't know that she won't be too busy with her own kids and other day care kids.  At the same time I do know.  UGHH logical vs emotional arguments have been running through my head all day.  How will I not stare at this baby all day everyday.

Any working Moms out there have any words of advice for me?

Onto cuter topics... My Son!

He is getting so big!  We had to move him to size 2 diapers this week, and we still had a TON of size 1 diapers, luckily I know a few pregnant gals and will be sending those to them.

Parker now likes to "give kisses" but really just sucks on my cheek.  

We started putting him in his jumper and he loves it... when he's in the mood to be alone.  He also likes to watch TV... bad mom I know :( 

He has started smiling and laughing at himself when I turn my iPhone camera so he can see himself.  It's adorable to watch him interact with himself.  

Another milestone this week was putting him in his stroller like a big kid!! The weather on Saturday was BEAUTIFUL!! I had a ton of errands to run and Parker was amazing and slept through them all!  Then he ate and I wanted to go check out a few garage sales.  I knew he was wide awake and would fuss if I tried to put him in carseat.  So we just tried it out and I think he liked it.  He didn't cry, but I couldn't see his face (which I hated).  Every once in a while I would look at him and he would just be looking around so I think he enjoyed it.  

I am linking this up with Breanna @ Counting Blessings for her Mamarazzi Monday's so go check out her blog!


  1. Okay, I LOVE this post. You are GORGEOUS, your son is PERFECT (I love his name!!!). I was planning on going back to work after 6 weeks of being at home - but as soon as my daughter was placed on my chest after being born, I knew I couldn't.

    PLUS. My poor booty doesn't even make enough money to afford daycare (we don't have any family around us) so I decided to stay home. Ha. Now we are broke and moving in with family - but I couldn't imagine it any other way.

    I LOVE how you have your logical side/and your mommy side. Everytime we go out and leave Presley with a sitter/friend - I have to tell myself they know what they are doing, I will start with "you can't microwave her bottle, burp her throughout the bottle, she likes her pink socks, and being swaddled...." It's hard, but I know that they (and your sitter as well!) has their best interest at hand. You BETTER link up this next week, I want to hear how your week went.

    Good luck, thinking of you, and sending prayers, and good vibes your way. Thanks for linking up!


    1. Thank you, and I will absolutely update next week with how it went. I made a "Parker's how-to" guide for the babysitter... it was 2 pages long... single spaced. LoL I hope that wasn't too much for her!

  2. Hey girl! Thank you so much for linking up with us! I absolutely adore P - he is so handsome! You're an amazing Mommy! I never even thought of putting J in his stroller without the carseat...I bet he would like it, too! (We have the same stroller/carseat I think!)

    I am thinking about you as you go back to work! I will be joining you next Wednesday! I can't believe our little ones are this big already! :(

    Thinking of you! XOXO!


    1. Thanks Breanna, I'll let you know how it goes!!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your baby is super cute! it's hard to leave them with a stranger but it gets easier as long as you've picked the right person. Family will always have opinions but you have to do what is best for everyone! Good luck going to gets easier but NEVER easy!
