So today I am 7 weeks... or at least I think I am. I go in for the more accurate dating ultrasound on Wednesday so I will know more official dates then. This past week had it's ups and downs. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I felt great. I was able to eat somewhat normal food, stay awake past 8pm, and function in society. Then came Thursday.... I don't know what happened but that day started out horrible. I had to work at a school that day and there were so many times that I was gagging in the classroom with my kiddo looking at me and asking if I was ok. It was AWFUL! Then I came home and fell asleep at 5 and woke up at 6:30 and realized it had been 3 1/2 hours since I last ate and instantly felt ... ugh I don't even like typing about this! Anyways it was a bad night to say the least. I just had to make it until bedtime and pray to fall asleep quickly. Friday was better... but not great. My Mom made it better though :)
She has been great the last few weeks, getting me groceries, making sure I am eating SOMETHING, and always checking on me. Then yesterday she brought me all kinds of new maternity pants. (EARLY I know, but it's the thought that counts). Then she proceeded to tell me that the next morning she was going to bring over some cinnamon rolls for me to snack on. SCORE! In my family us kids (Hubs, sister, her BF, and myself) always makes jokes about who is my Mom's favorite at the moment. She obviously doesn't mean to favor one over another but we pick up on little things like what she picks to make us for dinner or which radio station she chooses to play when we are in the backyard. Well after the Hubs and I got married, it was obvious he was the chosen one for about a year. We understood, he was "the new one". Then my sister got a boyfriend :) The Hubs was a little jealous he wasn't on top anymore, but he dealt with it. Now that I'm pregnant... Oh boy it's good to be on top! I told the Hubs I was getting cinnamon rolls this morning and he was like, man... when will it be my turn again! LoL. My Mom is great to all of us :)
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