Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Announcement time!!

Stayed tuned for a BIG announcement!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

7 weeks

So today I am 7 weeks... or at least I think I am.  I go in for the more accurate dating ultrasound on Wednesday so I will know more official dates then. This past week had it's ups and downs.  Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I felt great.  I was able to eat somewhat normal food, stay awake past 8pm, and function in society.  Then came Thursday.... I don't know what happened but that day started out horrible.  I had to work at a school that day and there were so many times that I was gagging in the classroom with my kiddo looking at me and asking if I was ok.  It was AWFUL! Then I came home and fell asleep at 5 and woke up at 6:30 and realized it had been 3 1/2 hours since I last ate and instantly felt ... ugh I don't even like typing about this!  Anyways it was a bad night to say the least.  I just had to make it until bedtime and pray to fall asleep quickly.  Friday was better... but not great.  My Mom made it better though :)

She has been great the last few weeks, getting me groceries, making sure I am eating SOMETHING, and always checking on me.  Then yesterday she brought me all kinds of new maternity pants. (EARLY I know, but it's the thought that counts).  Then she proceeded to tell me that the next morning she was going to bring over some cinnamon rolls for me to snack on. SCORE! In my family us kids (Hubs, sister, her BF, and myself) always makes jokes about who is my Mom's favorite at the moment.  She obviously doesn't mean to favor one over another but we pick up on little things like what she picks to make us for dinner or which radio station she chooses to play when we are in the backyard.  Well after the Hubs and I got married, it was obvious he was the chosen one for about a year.  We understood, he was "the new one".  Then my sister got a boyfriend :) The Hubs was a little jealous he wasn't on top anymore, but he dealt with it.  Now that I'm pregnant... Oh boy it's good to be on top!  I told the Hubs I was getting cinnamon rolls this morning and he was like, man... when will it be my turn again! LoL.  My Mom is great to all of us :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012


For my husband... I didn't know how I would tell him.  All I knew was that I had all day to think about it, he wouldn't get home until almost 5 and I found out at 7am... so I had a while.  I finally decided on telling him that I had a new house project that he needed to start working on RIGHT now. It was an important one and it was a big one.  In my head he would follow me down the hall and as I came up to our storage room I would tell him that we had to turn our storage room into a nursery!  Well it started to go as planned he walked in, I told him about a new project he was expectedly upset about a new project and as I came up to our storage room I said "We need to turn the storage room into a nursery", turned around and he wasn't there!  He had gone into the bathroom and was peeing!  I walked into the bathroom with a look of frustration and he asked "What did you say? Wait, are you PREGNANT?" So my reveal with him went wrong... but that's ok for us :)

For my parents... I had bought shirts for the dogs months ago that said "I'm going to be a big sister" and "Dad got one past the goalie, I'm going to be a big sister"  The plan was to show up at my parents with the dogs wearing those shirts and have my parents read them and tears follow behind.  Well my dad read the shirt that said "Im going to be a big sister"... and didn't react at all.  He forgot it was on the younger dog.  My mom came up to try and get a better look at the shirts but the dogs were going crazy and not sitting still.  So I had to tell my mom what it said and she asked "Well are you trying to tell us something?" I just said "Yea".  Then came the excitement.  Again, not what we expected but still good.

For my sister... I knew that I wanted to make a video montage that went along with the Michael Buble song "I Just Haven't Met You Yet." Luckily I had all day to make the video so it came out pretty good. I told my sister that I had to ask her something really important so I needed to go to her house.  She didn't think anything of it and I got to her house before she did.  As she pulled into the driveway she texted me saying "Are you PREGNANT?" Seriously... was this reveal ruined too??? She walked in and I tried denying it, but she knew.  She still watched the video and cried.  

So that is my story about our reveals gone wrong! We are all unbelievably happy and excited for our little bean.  

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Meet the bean :)

Meet our little bean!  

Pretty much there's nothing to see yet.  At the ultrasound we were able to see the yolk sac and fetal pole (baby), but my Dr. who seemed like she was in such a hurry to rush me out of the room didn't tell me how far along she thought I was! So Dr. Google, who always has plenty of time for me says that I am approx 6 weeks today (4/15/12).  We go back for another ultrasound in a 1 1/2 weeks to have a more in-depth appt (with a different Dr.) that will give me a better idea of how far along I am, and we'll be able to hear the heartbeat! 

This week was ROUGH week.  Morning sickness kicked my ass! Mine is definitely worse in the morning.  I wake up feeling nausea and that's an awful way to start your day.  Some things that have helped me were Sea bands.  These have been a lifesaver.. or so my mind is telling me but who cares as long as it's working!  I wear them constantly now.  Another thing that seems to help is when I wear clothes that are NOT at all constricting on my stomach.  So this weekend I wore a very loose skirt, and a dress.  I had to go buy a larger set of leggings to wear under dresses at work for this week.  A friend of mine (who is about 1 week farther along than I am) also suggested for me to take my pre-natals at night.  I should have waited and introduced each of these things one at a time so that I had a better idea of which one actually does the trick (just the behavior analyst in me screaming to come out ;) as I change them.  But instead I will have to do all three things until they stop working. 

Yesterday I had a mini breakdown, I sat on the couch SOBBING because I looked at my messy house and hated that it looked horrible.  I hated what my pregnancy had made me become... a lazy person who felt so sick she couldn't do anything at all, not even pick up after herself.  It was awful, but the Hubs did pick up the house for me afterwards :)  

So far today I felt pretty good, I was able to eat 2 pop tarts (which is HUGE for me) and 1 cup of macaroni and cheese.  I am suppose to go to pizza later to let some other family members in on our secret... and I'm already dreading being in a restaurant full of those smells and looking at all the different pizzas... yuck!  I'll let you know how it goes.  Hopefully I'll be able to posts these soon... still not sure when that will be.  

Oh the Nausea

Wow... it sucks.  At first every little cramp, ache, pain, burp, bloat, nausea was amazing because it was a reminder that I WAS PREGNANT.  But now.... it's just annoying.  Pretty much it's all day, but the worst in the morning.  I had to change my morning routine to give myself at least 3 hours every morning so that I could SLOWLY get ready and take breaks when I need to :(

But good news!  Tomorrow is our first ultrasound!!! Not sure of the Hubs will be able to go or not... depends on the weather and if he has to work. But good ol' Mom will be there if not.

On a side note about Mom, this morning she called me to see how I was feeling and just talking to her made my tummy feel better.  Even after 27 years just talking to my Mom works :)

Next post will provide a picture of the Bean!


Sunday, April 8, 2012

What the ?!?!?

Let's start on the morning of March 25th... Sunday.  I woke up and just didn't feel right... so I went to the bathroom and was going to pee on a stick... just to check. But according to my temps I was (approx) 6 days past ovulation and I knew that it was relatively impossible to detect a pregnancy that early so I just peed without any sticks.  The next morning I still felt off so without even considering that I was only 7 days past ovulation I decided to pee on a stick, well pee in a cup and then dip a stick in.  (Boy am I glad I did that). 

At 6:53 I took the stick with me to the kitchen so that I could start breakfast.  I set the stick on a few paper towels on the counter.  I  glanced at it after about 30 seconds and thought "Man, my eyes must still be tired because I think I see a second line."  I blinked 7 or 8 times and kept staring at that stick watching a second line slowly appear.  I immediately started freaking out and had to have a second set of eyes to say that there was a line.  I called my neighbor who I knew was awake and called and called until she answered.  When she finally did I told her to get over here NOW!  In the time that it took her to walk over, it was obvious. 

There was a second line.  I called into work (not even sure how I functionally called 3 people to get my shift covered since I was shaking so much and so anxious) and jumped in the shower so that I could run to the store and get more tests! I ran into the store with soaking wet hair and gym pants because my regular pants were a little tight, even though I had been dieting and loosing weight (now it makes sense).  I came back home and dipped a few more sticks into my cup and....

HOLY SHIT!!! I screamed out to my dogs "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?" I knew that the digital test would be the one that convinced me (because 2 other tests hadn't convinced me by this point).  So I dipped the digital in and decided to not look.  I was going to stare into the hallway for as long as I could.. 10 seconds went by, I peeked and the hour glass was still there...waited another 10 seconds, hour glass still there... waited another 5 seconds and watched the hour glass change to the magical word PREGNANT!

This is when I started crying.  I was shaking and crying and told my dogs they were going to be big sisters.  I called my best friend, who didn't answer because she doesn't work early and it was still only 7:25am.  So I called another girlfriend of mine who was my best friend growing up, but sadly we had grown apart over the past year or so.  Just the day before we talked very little about how we should do better at being friends and how much we missed each other.  At that moment (7:25 am) I had to tell her.  I called her and almost hung up as soon as the phone rang remembering what time it was and knowing that they are NOT morning people.  She called me back about an hour later and at that point my anxiety about telling others was gone and I didn't know if I should tell her, so I didn't answer.  

I called my doctor and she couldn't believe it.  She said that there was no way I got a + pregnancy test since I was only 3 days past ovulation... dumb Dr.  she was going by the everyone ovulates on cycle day 14 theory... well I ovulated on around cycle day 10 so it was possible.  She told me not to get my hopes up, and that I might be having a chemical pregnancy.  I had to immediately get blood work done to check my HCG levels and re-do the blood work 48 hours later to see if my levels were progressing.  


That evil Dr. just broke my heart.  I felt like an idiot for getting my hopes up about being pregnant.  I didn't know how I should feel at that point, but something in me said "that Dr. is in idiot.. you are totally pregnant, if you weren't that pregnant you wouldn't get a positive on a digital pregnancy test"  

Stayed Tuned for our reveals!