Parker weighs 14.8 lbs, and was 23 3/4 in. at his 2 month appt. He is great at tummy time, but will only stay on his tummy for a few seconds before he rolls over onto his back. Yes he already rolls over! He is a chatty guy, making so many new noises. He laughs, but not the actual giggles laugh yet. He is close though! He is starting to hold onto things and bring them into his mouth... possibly teething?
We started putting him in his jumper with a pillow under his feet and he liked it at first... but after a few days he isn't as amused as he used to be. He took his first trip to the cabin last weekend... where Mommy and Daddy failed to take ANY pictures to remember the trip.
He has moved up to size 2 nipples in his bottles, and 8oz bottles instead of 4oz. We did have to start formula for him :( Very hard day for me, to admit that I wasn't able to provide my child with what I am biologically made to give him. I tried and tried but he would throw up so much every time he nursed. So we decided to make the switch, and I immediately realized that meant I could eat spicy food, drink milk, and have as many drinks as I wanted! The Hubs likes it too, because now he and Parker have a nightly routine and he is the one who gives Parker his bedtime bottle and puts him to bed every night :)
I am pretty impressed with the Hubs and I for getting into such a routine with Parker. Starting 2 weeks ago in preparation of going back to work I started attempting to get out of the house showered, dressed, Parker fed and dressed by 8am. I am now confident that I will be able to successfully adjust to the work morning schedule. I have been making dinner almost every night, cleaning that dinner and the kitchen, give Parker and bath and into bed by 8:30pm. It is exhausting and at 8:31 I feel like I could fall asleep, but I love the routine that we have. Getting out of the house at 8 helps so much with getting things done around the house. I forgot how much I love being an early bird :)
Parker is still sleeping (knock on wood) really good for us. He falls asleep usually around 9pm, and wakes up around 6:45am. Yea, I know, I am one lucky Mommy :) Naps though are another story. He will not sleep for longer than 45 minutes, and that is stretching it. I try to recreate the exact same atmosphere as night time but he still won't take a good long nap. He also isn't putting himself to sleep during the day, whereas at night he does. Weird kid.
I am sure that there are many many more updates but I am getting tired so I will leave you with some pictures of my little man.
Parker's poops have really started to smell, this is what The Hubs has to do just to change him!
Parker at his first birthday party!
Just my happy boy :)
He found his thumb!
He loves his wubbanub.
Parker and Daddy taking a nap <3 p="">
Happy boy!
Grumpy sleeper
But happy when he's awake :)
This is the onesie that I used to tell the Hubs we were having a baby <3 p="">
He loves bath time!
And his thumb
Getting good at tummy time.
With his thumb again, he looks like his Daddy here :)
Valentine's Day photo shoot with Mommy
He is such a hunk!
3 Month pictures
3 Month pictures
Little Hugh Hefner with his robe.
Mommy and Parker
Cutie Pie!
Parker in his jumper
And on his tummy time mat.