Well, so many things have happened since I last blogged...
We went to Monterey to whale watch for my birthday... won't be doing again... everyone (25/29 people) got sea sick. I was super nausea, it's not fun watching 25 people throw up.
Michael installed can lighting in our living room... I wanted 4, he installed 8 and now we have museum lighting!
Michael put molding around our green wall
We finished the front yard!
We were in the ER and OR 5 separate times for Michael (kidney stones, work injuries, kidney stones, kidney stones.. removal of kidney stones.. at one point we were in the ER 3x in 1 week!
We surprised our Ohio family with a 4th of July vacation to there that made us really sit down and think about moving there. It's so wonderful to be surrounded by amazing people all the time.
Went to baseball games.. drank beer...
Made it out to the lake with our neighbors and had a kick ass time for Labor Day.
Got new carpet :)
And decided that we need to take more photos... that's my New Years resolution. There was so many other great things that happened this year and we don't have pictures of them :(
One of them being........ that I finished my Masters of Science a couple of weeks ago!!! Wow that was an accomplishment. On another sad work note, I had to say goodbye to one of my kiddos that I had been working with for a year and a half. She was an amazing little girl who has come so far and is growing more and more everyday into a wonderfully independent functional citizen. Sadly now I will no longer see her :(
On another note about accepting that things will work out, we have been trying to get pregnant (pause for "Awwww") Unfortunately for as long as I can remember anytime I have thought about having a child with Michael I have had this gut wrenching feeling that it wouldn't be easy. I have been blessed my whole life, AMAZINGLY blessed. There is only one thing in my life that I didn't get when I wanted it, my GRE scores. I studied, studied, studied and still got horrible scores. Even that worked out I still got in the graduate program I wanted! So I knew that somehow the shoe would have to drop, how can a person get everything they have even wanted in life? So anyways, for as long as I can remember I have a feeling that getting pregnant was not going to be easy for us. i was right :( I stopped birth control (BC) in February, on my birthday actually and since then I have been slowly (well maybe not slowly) letting our trying to conceive (TTC) take over my life! Every morning I wake up at ridiculous hours (3am, 4am...) to take my temperature. I have to do it at this hour because you have to take your temp at the same time everyday and it has to be the first time you have woken up after having at least 3 hours of sleep. Well my husband works crazy hours and some days he has to wake up at 345am and other days at 6am. So in order to try and keep it at the same time my subconcious wakes me up everyday between 3 and 4 and I take my temp. No alarm, just my brain wakes me up. Do you know how upsetting it is to wake up at 415 while on vacation to take my temperature. And then it's not like I can go back to sleep. I sit there and ponder about my temperature. Why is it so low? Does that mean I did not ovulate? UGHHH!!!! After an 80 day cycle with multiple negative pregnancy tests I decided if something wrong I am calling the doctor to find out sooner than later. Typically they* say that if after a year of being off birth control you aren't pregnant to start doing testing. Well why wait a year, I'm not getting any younger and my chances of getting pregnant get smaller and smaller everyday (I know I'm dramatic, at least I can admit it :D) So I called the doctor and she started me on bloodwork right away. So far we have determined that with the cycle I am in right now I ovulated late or not at all. I did the cycle day 21 progestrone test; which should show that I have already ovulated and would be elevated if I did. That came back less than 10 and she said I either did not ovulate or have not ovulated yet. So she had me re-do the test on cycle day 23 to see if my progesterone level is rising (still a chance of ovulation) or decreasing (no ovulation). Looking at my BBT (temps), it looks like I may have ovulated on the day of the bloodwork... but wouldn't that have been reflected in the bloodwork??? So now I am waiting to hear back from the doctor to see what my trend is right now.
So that is my unleashing of so many pent up feelings. I try to not talk to much about the TTC thing, I was only talking to my BF about my frustrations and it was even to much for her. She is the one who brought it to my attention that I am being a little obsessive about this. It hurt my feelings a little but I appreciate when people tell you how you are acting when you can't see it yourself. So I am trying to not bring it up during EVERY conversation just when something happens. That's why I began writing again on here. This can be my outlet for "talking" about life's frustrations.